Our services

The services offered by this site, and all the partner sites of Sos Petfood ยฎ, Vigiscore ยฎ, Petfood Advisor ยฎ, Petfood Alert ยฎ are computer services used under the responsibility of the users. They are offered to users subject to their unconditional acceptance of these general conditions.

With regard to animal nutrition, nutrition consulting activities are regulated activities. We do not give any nutrition advice, our intervention in this area is limited to the provision of information and summary articles, or access to applications and/or web applications. In the case of applications, the service is an individual license to use, and in no case advice on nutrition.

Host your files (images, videos, texts) with peace of mind, ease and simplicity! Your content is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, but you must make local backups of it, we cannot guarantee the integrity of these files in the event of technical problems.

The user of our services also undertakes to respect the privacy of all users, not to infringe the rights of third parties, and certifies that he holds the rights to use the content and files shared. The Webmaster and the host are in no way editors of the content sent by users under their responsibility. These contents are the full and entire responsibility of the users.

In accordance with the law, users of the site are invited to report any element of content presenting, according to them, an illicit character, by explaining their motivation, by email to the address contact@alain-stevens.com, by sending a message by file concerned, indicating its exact link. They will have to prove their identity.

Short URL

When you want to share interesting articles in Petfood, you will find many free services. We offer you this service which will be focused on articles in animal nutrition, with in addition a presentation of shared articles also containing screenshots.

Copy Paste

We offer a service that will allow you to share your content, in a site that specializes in the field of animal nutrition. It is a much more interesting solution than sharing your articles in the middle of computer codes, so that your publications have a stronger audience.

Anonymous hosting

We offer a free service for hosting images, files, videos, and publishing content anonymously on the site without being registered beforehand, the time to set up your registration as editor.

Image Hosting

Site users can upload (send) images that will be used to illustrate their own publications. You have the right to use this service for future publications, and we are not able to do a priori filtering. However, spot checks will be offered.

If you have difficulty sending these images, we provide you with a WeTransfer page. Remember to indicate the reference of your editor account.


Accepted extensions: jpeg, jpg, png, gif, bmp, tif, tiff.


Video Hosting

To illustrate your articles, you can also send us your video files, using the WeTransfer service, or by sharing the video link.

File hosting and sharing

We also offer, for editors, a hosting service for image, pdf, or video files. To use it, simply send us your files from the WeTransfer page indicated, indicating the reference of your editor account. A public sharing link will be sent to you.

Hosting specific conditions

The webmaster can in no way be held responsible for the content of the images hosted, nor for all of the content. Data and files are shared under the responsibility of the user.
The webmaster can in no way be the target of complaints formulated on the content of the data shared by the users. Images that violate the law in general and incite hatred or violence are strictly prohibited. In the event of non-compliance, the Webmaster reserves the right to delete the files without warning.

We remind you that the Webmaster of the site is not responsible for the files stored, transmitted by the user, whether anonymous or editor. People already identified as having committed illegal actions will not be allowed to register, their account will be blocked if we have doubts about illegal actions of an accomplice member, who may be linked to other people known for these facts.

The user of our services agrees to indemnify us for any costs incurred following a claim or dispute, judicial or extrajudicial.